INNOVATIVE Conference 2017 - Organizational and Process Innovation
Lisbon, Gulbenkian, June, 1 and 2
«Organizational Disruption as a key factor to assure adaptability to Markets and society»
Organizational Innovation in Portuguese Companies Jorge Portugal
Organizational Innovation: a Key Challenge for Portuguese Companies André Magrinho In the current context of confluence of disruptive digital technologies that are set to change the manufacturing sector and business models, and the way we learn, work, cooperate and compete, organizational innovation is a key challenge for Portuguese companies that still have significant weaknesses in this field.
Da Investigação á Inovação Empresarial-a importância da Inovação Organizacional Luís Fernando de Mira Amaral -Conceitos de Investigação, Desenvolvimento e Inovação
Mudança evolutiva ou disruptiva? Elsa Carvalho Serão as mudanças por natureza processos adaptativos a necessidades atuais ou disrupções necessárias para a criação de novas necessidades? Apresenta-se neste painel uma abordagem global e integrada com base na experiência que a REN tem vivido.
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The Future for The Fast Bassim Haj BPM and digital transformation are not new, companies have been digitizing since the 80’s and they continue to evolve as the market and customer expectations change. Therefore, the goal of any digital business transformation is not only to modernize or digitize the core processes to achieve cost and operational efficiency, but it must also help the organization cope with faster clock speed, rapidly changing technologies and facilitate faster time to market for new product services. Customer-Centric programs is now a top driver for BPM. Customer experience is upgrading BPM from back-office to front-office status. Until recently, BPM has primarily lived in the back office of the enterprise, delivering reliable improvements in efficiency and productivity for organizations willing to invest considerable amounts of time, money, and talent. In the age of customer, companies are shifting away from cost-cutting and toward driving top-line revenue growth, demand for BPM in the front office is on the rise. in 2015, Forrester found that more than 30% of BPM initiatives had customer experience (CX) improvement as a primary driver. Recent reports by leading research firms, 63% of business leaders believe their organization is too slow to exploit technology opportunities. The pace of change driven by digitization will only increase as new generations of fastmoving competitors emerge and tech savvy customers come to expect ever more rapid updates to products and services enabled by technology. Two-thirds of business leaders believe their companies will lose competitiveness if they don’t become significantly more agile and digitized. The current wave of digitization is more broad-based than past efforts; companies are applying capabilities such as big data, the Internet of Things, AI machine learning, social and mobile technologies to enhance and transform products, channels, and operations. As digitization progresses, the boundaries of these areas blur, creating a more integrated, customer-centric perspective across the enterprise. Leading organization have realized that change must occur rapidly to remain competitive, protect revenues, retain customers and generate new business, and BPM is the method of choice. By being a combination of processes, people, information, and technology that is focused on resolving performance and operational business challenges, Business Process Management (BPM) is a key component and enabler of successful digital business transformation. BPM It is not a weekend job, it’s a decade long journey, digital transformation has moved from being a trend to a central component of modern business strategy. Therefore, BPM and process change are increasingly focusing on facilitating and enabling digital transformation as a continued process that requires organizations to change their approach with emphasis on change leadership, change management and capability building. Organization need to be aligned on every level, IT pros need to work hand in hand with line of business, Process owner and manager empowered by the CEO, to drive change. IT alone can’t do it. Senior management need to drive this and make it their top priority. Any transformation is a profound change in strategy, business model, organization, people and processes. It is not an incremental change but a fundamentals re-boot, enabling business to achieve step-change improvement in performance and ultimately creating shareholder value. Given this fundamental change one should not under estimate the effort required on change management. Here some golden rules to remember when dealing with organizational or process transformations: • It is not a weekend job, It’s always on Increasing amounts of data and digital interactions results in dozens of disjointed processes, tools, applications, and solutions that create huge value gaps within organization’s IT environment. Therefore, even leading organization are struggling to keep pace with digital transformation challenges and are increasingly seeking solutions to help them remain competitive without allocating more resources to BPM initiatives. And BPM solutions with low-code development and modelling capabilities platforms make it possible. BPM is a three-letter acronym that is here to stay. However, to keep BPM relevant in the age of the customer, business process professionals must reframe their investment cases to define how it can help win, serve, and retain customers. “Companies rarely die from moving too fast, and they frequently die from moving too slowly.” - Reed Hastings CEO-Netflix
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Peruviaan Airforce case study Pascal Ravesteijn BIn the past decade studies on business process management (BPM) and specifically maturity have grown rapidly. Partially this is due to the perception that attention to process management increases the competitive advantage of organizations. There is an increasing number of studies that confirm the notion that business process management maturity and process performance are related. However the level of maturity differs depending on the type of organization, for instance financial organizations are typically more mature than other private organizations and government organizations seem to be the least mature. To increase BPM maturity the adoption of changes needs continuous attention by management. In this presentation two case studies are presented - one of the operations department at the Peruvian Air Force and another of the HU University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands - in which it is shown that there is a clear difference between how employees and management perceive business process management maturity and how this could be a barrier to improving process management.
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Best Practice: Align business strategy with business process management - the practices at Spanish companies Pedro Robledo Everyone realizes that organizations have to be innovating or continually transforming themselves to be competitive in a changing world like the present one. Both Innovation (doing something different or something new) and Transformation (making changes to something that already exists: optimizing, improving ...) will involve making changes in the organization to take it from a current state to a future state with the changes implemented. Based on the experience in many BPM projects in Spain, the analyst will explain, the key role of EAM (Enterprise Architecture Management) in order to align the corporate strategy with the main assets of a company, including processes, people, products, services, applications, technology, documents… to carry out any project of business innovation or transformation, because it is required to know with the maximum certainty what, where, when, how, how much it costs, what risks it has and why to carry out that project. In the area of business processes, you have to consider what dimension reach the innovation or transformation project, since we can talk about Process Improvement, Process Redesign, Process Reengineering or Paradigm Shift to a Process Oriented Company , and its management of change, risks and impacts in the organization should be controlled and made the right decisions so as not to fail. If you are focused on technologies and operational process but unaligned with the corporate strategy, you will be wrong and the failure is sure.
Workplace Innovation: how to get companies to start the change?” Steven Dhondt Peter Totterdill WPI: what is it about?
EUWIN is an initiative of the EU’s Directorate General for Enterprise & Industry.
EUWIN has always taken a practical approach.
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Case 1 - Resato (Roden, Netherlands) Ton Driessen Resato in Roden, the Netherlands, is a manufacturer of high pressure systems. The company currently employs some 70 people. The company was restructured to realize a ‘learning organisation’ and uses the innovative ideas of employees. In 2008 Ton Driessen, Rob Castien and Michel Hooftman one of the sales managers, took over the company. From this moment on, the company started to invest in making employees taking their own initiatives. "We believe very much in the Rhineland model, with its emphasis on craftsmanship and the idea that you should cooperate. We wanted to have a learning organisation where it is fun to work and where employees come up with ideas how to improve processes. The people at the workplace often have the best ideas, if only they are given the opportunity to utter them and notice that they actually are used. Therefore you do need structure, a safe environment in which it is clear to everyone what is expected and where managers support employees rather than the other way around. ", Driessen acknowledges. The managers are trained well in coaching leadership. Internal processes were streamlined. Delivery times for machines dropped from fourteen weeks (and little reliability) to six weeks and the reliability for that orders is 100 percent. The production staff can concentrate on their actual work. According to Driessen these improvements largely are caused by a new way of controlling staff. "If you give people room within their field of play, it will turn out well." To accelerate the learning and improvement process Resato organizes a ‘what did we learn?’ session after each implementation." ‘How did it go?’ ‘What went well?’’ ‘What could be better?’ We are in a niche-market. This means that the knowledge we have and develop is vital for us. We want to be a learning organization where everyone seeks the best solution for our customer." The yearly growth of production is ca. 15%. The productivity has increased from 20 to 60%. The company was elected as one of the smartest companies of the Netherlands in 2012.
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Case 2 - Bombardier (Bruges, Belgium) Edwin Van Vlierberghe Bombardier Inc. is headquartered in Montréal, Canada and is structured around two businesses: aerospace and transportation. It has 76 production and engineering sites in more than 60 countries, and employs 65,400 people. At Bombardier in Bruges, workplace innovation is undertaken in two main ways. The first dimension of workplace innovation aims at improving process efficiency and product quality. The second dimension of workplace innovation, which is more specific to the site in Bruges, is teamwork, which was promoted by dramatically redesigning the work organisation at the production site. Teamwork was implemented to shorten communication lines, to increase the sense of ownership at the shopfloor level, to avoid disturbances in the production flow, and to enhance the problem-solving capacity on the shopfloor. Operators in the production teams are now held accountable for team performance, which may lead to work-related stress. Bombardier’s current emphasis on leadership is intended to mitigate such difficulties. All in all, the workplace innovation programme at Bombardier Bruges is considered a win-win by all involved, as employee well-being and organisational performance are advanced at the same time. The fact that management realises that meeting the challenges ahead requires continued management attention is a prime guarantee for the continued success of the workplace innovation programme. The well-established involvement of trade union representatives is an additional guarantee that the social protection of workers will not be neglected. Over the years lean assessments results in BOS doubled. Improvements in the production system have risen 500%. Quality also increased. The rate of open issues at shipment declined from to 0. On-time delivery has gone up to 97% and the backorders have been reduced to zero. Bombardier Bruges successfully demonstrated that the workplace innovation has greatly improved performance on a wide number of KPIs. Bombardier’s track record in workplace innovation has helped to improve workplace performance, and thereby to close deals and to secure employment. In this sense, workplace innovation has clearly contributed to Bombardier’s ability to satisfy market demands.
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Case 3 - Portugal has all the assets for workplace innovation. António Conde During the experience as plant manager in Bosch and now as industrial consultant, in various companies, fostered the commitment to open communications, team working, knowledge sharing, mutual support and continuous improvement. This cohesion reflects the recognition that the business can “no longer go for universal solutions because customization is more and more a focus” so small improvements in products and processes must be constantly made by everyone. Companies committed to a programme of people-centred LEAN Management aimed at driving out waste and improving efficiency. Associates are closely involved in identifying issues and opportunities for employee-driven innovation. Problem-solving becomes a tool for empowerment and connecting with management. Daily meetings, which are strictly time controlled, are designed to review Key Performance Indicators - what happened previously, what needs to be achieved and with what resources, what are the priorities and what will hinder performance and progress? These short meetings also act as a cohesive influence connecting management and front-line staff, creating mutual respect as together they strive for continuous improvement. Daily meetings are supplemented by a quarterly workshop which undertakes a more strategic review of business performance. These are increasingly being coordinated by Associates, and evidence suggests that this has had a profoundly motivating effect. Training and coaching are equally valued as catalysts for innovation. Trainees are encouraged to query traditional ways of doing things and this produces new ideas and new efficiencies. Coaching is used to bring managers closer to Associates ensuring they are able to develop employee skill sets. It is also seen as a kind of empowerment that develops the Associate’s ability to perform a wider range of tasks, take on additional responsibility and add more value. The “Lean companies”, amongst many other things, have in common a successful suggestion scheme. It is founded on the principle that every suggestion is analyzed for feasibility, both practical and financial, and each gets a response - even those that are eventually rejected. Positive suggestions are rewarded. LEAN Management is a new way of leading people which requires a significant change in culture and management mindsets. It impacts both on the individual and on the team as a set of people working together. This is achieved by the daily alignment meeting where people share their challenges and where they are able to offer support to their colleagues, even to share knowledge about processes where they are the experts. Empowerment at a “Lean company” is clearly related to associate involvement and this is felt strongly as the key to positive change.
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WORKSHOP WORKPLACE INNOVATION. The project of EU, trends, approaches and case studies Peter Totterdill
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A estratégia de inovação organizacional e processos que levou ao sucesso da Jaba Recordati Nelson Ferreira Pires Como inovar numa indústria que vive de inovação e de R&D , mas em que esta custa centenas de milhões e dura mais de umas década a produzir resultados? Como acelerar o processo de proficiência organizacional de forma a ter os melhores resultados e o maior ROI da indústria? Entre muitos outros temas que iremos debater. Nomeadamente o acrónimo que gere o processo de sucesso onde a Jaba Recordati assenta todas as suas decisões estratégicas de melhoria e ganhos de eficiência: PPP, Pessoas, Produtos e Processos!
CASO QUIDGEST - Equipas colaborativas na articulação da gestão de projetos com a organização funcional Fernando Cardoso de Sousa João Paulo Carvalho A empresa Quidgest ( e a Associação Portuguesa de Criatividade e Inovação (APGICO - ) desenvolveram formas de colaboração tendentes a reforçar a organização matricial, em que a orgânica formal (divisionária), por áreas de conhecimento, coexiste com outra por projetos, que serve de motor à primeira. Este tipo de organização baseia-se no princípio de que é no equilíbrio entre as formas automáticas de resolução de problemas da empresa, garantidas pela estrutura formal e tendentes a aumentar a eficiência interna, e a criação de novas capacidades geradoras de mudança, via uma organização paralela, por projetos temporários, que a inovação organizacional continuará a impulsionar a evolução das organizações. Ambas as entidades consideram que a crescente especialização do conhecimento será, cada vez mais, baseada em equipas colaborativas, cuja integração requer tecnologias sociais sofisticadas para produzir inovações coletivas. Essas tecnologias sociais não são mais do que formas de conseguir integrar conhecimentos e poderes para obter decisões coletivas, rápidas e eficazes, que provoquem uma tensão entre a rotina e a mudança, sem perda de qualidade. Na apresentação, a Apgico introduzirá a tecnologia social que tem desenvolvido, enquanto a Quidgest descreverá o seu processo de inovação organizacional. Ambas serão representadas pelos seus responsáveis, Fernando Sousa e João Paulo Carvalho, respetivamente.
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Inovação organizacional na Jordão Cooling Systems Isidro Lobo Face ao crescimento da empresa e aos desafios com que se defronta nos vários mercados externos onde opera, a Direção Geral decidiu promover uma reflexão estratégica sobre a sua organização, por forma a imprimir maior agilidade e adaptabilidade às necessidades dos clientes e reforçar a sua diferenciação. O projeto de inovação organizacional seguiu a metodologia MLearn na modelação da organização em equipas virtuais colaborativas e autodirigidas, com clarificação das responsabilidades e reforço da motivação dos colaboradores. O modelo foi desenhado para dinamizar uma cultura de inovação envolvendo os cerca de 160 colaboradores, reforçando a inovação na organização, nos processos, no marketing e no produto. Ficou resolvido o problema habitual das “quintas” associado a modelos hierárquico-funcionais, adaptando o organigrama ao modelo das equipas virtuais e definindo objetivos não partilhados num ambiente colaborativo de partilha de responsabilidade. Cada equipa comporta-se como um sistema, prestando serviços entre si mediante acordos de níveis de serviços. A avaliação de desempenho e o sistema de compensação irão ser baseados no novo modelo de gestão, à luz do desdobramento dos objetivos estratégicos até às tarefas de todos os colaboradores. A empresa prepara-se para a transição da ISO9001:2015, da ISO14001:2015 e para a certificação pela NP 4457 da inovação, com base num único sistema de gestão. Para suportar o novo modelo gestão está em curso a implementação de um novo sistema de informação, resultante do plano estratégico de sistemas de informação realizado, incluindo um novo ERP. Resultados ao nível de uma melhor clarificação do papel de cada um, de uma maior motivação dos colaboradores, de uma mais rápida resposta aos clientes, de um menor número de reuniões internas e, portanto, de maior eficiência, são já visíveis ao fim de cerca de seis meses de projeto. Um representante da direção geral irá apresentar a experiência vivida ao longo deste projeto que envolveu mudanças significativas ao nível da definição dos objetivos e indicadores estratégicos e seu desdobramento até às tarefas de todos os colaboradores, da modelação da arquitetura organizacional assente nas equipas virtuais autodirigidas, da elaboração de um plano de negócio e orçamento, do sistema de avaliação e compensação, do plano de formação, do sistema e custeio, da melhoria dos processos, da qualidade, da inovação, do sistema de informação e do reforço da cultura e liderança. |
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Inovação através das Pessoas: discussão de casos Adriano Freire A inovação do modelo de negócio e da própria organização é sempre realizada por pessoas e para pessoas. Por isso, importa compreender melhor a dimensão humana para definir à partida o enquadramento necessário ao sucesso da inovação estratégica, tecnológica, de produtos e de processos. Tirando pleno partido do potencial humano, promove-se a complementaridade de esforços e sustenta-se a inovação para o futuro.
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Workplace Innovation in Public Services in Scotland Sir Peter Housden The Scottish Government has pursued a distinctive and innovative approach to organisational design and workplace practices, both in its own organisation and in sponsoring work across public services in Scotland. Approaches to public service reform based on New Public Management have had limited traction in Scotland and in 2007 the incoming government committed to a new approach based on ‘Outcomes’. It focused its priorities on securing progress in 12 key outcomes critical to economic growth and well-being in Scotland. To ensure alignment with these goals, the civil service abolished its 12 departments and works in a fluid matrix to promote multi-disciplinary working whilst retaining the necessary specialist skills and relationships across its wide range of functions. Structural change was the precursor to the development of new relationships with stakeholders and communities, and to the creation of new leadership cultures within the civil service and in wider public service in Scotland. These emphasise the importance of an asset-based approach, co-creation and collaborative approaches to service improvement. The activity of the Scottish Leaders Forum has been an important catalyst, extending these new leadership cultures across public service in Scotland. These developments are are sponsored and supported by Ministers in the Scottish Government and command wide cross-party support in the Scottish Parliament.
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Caso TMG Luís Meireles A TMG Automotive, pioneira na certificação das suas actividades de Investigação, desenvolvimento e inovação, tem observado uma necessidade frequente de evolução ao nível de organização motivado pelo contexto dinâmico exigido por esta certificação. As actividades de vigilância programada, o processo de ideation consequente, e o esforço constante de associabilidade da actividade inventiva a resultados da empresa geram um entropia muito favorável à constante procura da melhor ligação entre processos que maximize o output da organização.
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Caso Sovena João Miguel Antunes A capacidade de adaptação ao ambiente interno e externo é uma competência organizacional complexa, que depende não apenas dos trabalhadores, mas também da gestão e da cultura da empresa. A criação e manutenção de tal competência torna-se ainda mais dificultada pela idade da organização, face aos anacronismos e disfunções estruturais e funcionais que emergem ao longo dos anos. Nesta comunicação apresentam-se os principais mecanismos criados na Sovena, para suster a aprendizagem nos planos individual, grupal, e organizacional, e assim manter a capacidade de crescer e competir na indústria do azeite e óleos alimentares. A apresentação detalha os resultados de uma observação etnográfica realizada na empresa em 2016.
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Gerindo os recursos da Administração Pública Regional Autónoma com uma visão integrada e orientada para o futuro dos Açores Victor Jorge Ribeiro Santos Otimizar a gestão dos recursos da Administração Pública Regional Autónoma, atendendo às especificidades |
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Painel: Organizações 4.1 André Fonseca Ferreira Jorge S. Coelho Num mundo em profunda disrupção digital, a agilidade das organizações pode estar verdadeiramente comprometida. Desta forma, como devem as organizações estar preparadas para escalar dez vezes mais rápido e melhor que os seus concorrentes? Propomos à discussão uma abordagem sistémica das organizações para a transformar em equipas autodirigidas que prestam serviços entre si e aos stakeholders e que facilitarão uma estratégia de clusterização, de subcontratação, de empowerment e autonomização que permitirão potenciar a agilidade e a accountability. |
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