Prof and Consultant on Organizational Innovation, U. Minho, SisConsult President of IPBPM, since 2007, Managing partner at SisConsult, since 1996, Member of the Advisory Board of CIONET Portugal and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Portucalense University (UPT). Assistant Professor of Management Information Systems at the University of Minho and at the University Portucalense, since 1993. Collaborates with BPM summer school of Utrecht University. Jorge's experience is related to BPM strategic and operational management consulting projects, like business process management, information systems planning and implementation, business planning and strategy deployment, change management and management training, in many business sectors and public administration. In the past, Jorge was in charge of IT department at Porto Office of Price Waterhouse (1990-94) and Organisation Manager, IT and Management Control at Central Region of Portuguese Post Offices (1979-1990). Author of the MLearn methodology (a strategic organizational approach based on a system oriented organizational architecture model that approaches the organizations in terms of virtual self-directed teams, solving the silo thinking issues and assuring the strategic alignment) and co-author of the books: 1. Coelho, Jorge. "BPM and Continuous Improvement". In Finger, Peter. "In Search of BPM Excellence", Tampa, Meghan-Kiffer Press, 2005 2. Coelho, Jorge. "Arquitectura da Empresa centrada nos Processos: o factor determinante para o alinhamento estratégico dos SI". In Luís Amaral e outros, "Sistemas de Informação Organizacionais", Edições Sílabo, 2005.